Sunday, June 28, 2015

monsoons in Goa: Detox at the Grand Hyatt Goa

Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

The detox program at Grand Hyatt Goa, begins with these auspicious lines which mean, from ignorance lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to immortality, let there be peace , peace, peace.

With the United Nations’ acknowledgement of 21 June as international day of Yoga, this ancient art of body and mind Harmony and wellbeing has got the much deserved spotlight. Unlike other forms of exercise, Yoga is considered a ‘practice’ one that must be done regularly, and as a lifestyle change rather than a one-time ‘celebration’.

In keeping with integrating the body, mind and soul for internal and external rejuvenation, Grand hyatt Goa has launched their Detox Mondays. A body and mind cleanse which takes place in their award winning Shamana spa complex.

We begin then with a 45 minute Yoga workshop at 8 in the morning. The yoga instructor explains the various asanas and their importance as we find ourselves in folds and stretches of Suryanamaskara, Pawanmuktasana, marjaryasana, bitilasana, and many more. Each of the asanas, not only help make your muscles supple, and keep your joints and ligaments healthy, but also balance your inner hormones, and work on your plexuses. The beauty of Yoga is that you can begin at any stage of fitness and with practice your movements deepen, and you can hold your stretches for a longer time, but there are asanas for every level of fitness.

We then proceed to pranayama or breathing exercises, key to internal well being in Yoga, followed by a few minutes of meditation to still the mind.

A cleansing drink made of cucumber, beetroot and ginger brings the end of this session.
Proceed then to an energising round of aqua aerobics. The Grand Hyatt has an expansive fitness arena complete with indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, indoor Yoga area, lockers, sauna and steam rooms, Jacuzzi- the works.

While similar to land aerobics, in that it focuses on cardiac training, water aerobics has added advantages of water resistance and buoyancy. Although heart rate does not increase as much as in land-based aerobics, the heart is working just as hard and underwater exercise actually pumps more blood to the heart. Exercising in the water is not only aerobic, but also strength-training oriented due to the water resistance. Moving your body through the water creates a resistance that will activate muscle groups.  Older people are more prone to arthritis, osteoporosis, and weak joints; water aerobics is the safest form of exercise for these conditions as it reduces the gravitational pull on the joints.
The water is at a cool 20 degrees and may take some getting used to, but the advantage is that there is no sweating or tiring due to heat.

The water aerobics is followed by a session of steam and sauna to open up the pores for the spa session to follow.

A one hour session of gentle sweeping and gliding massage by the trained masseuse of the shamana spa helps to coax the lymphatic drainage in the body and help move the built up toxins in the tissues of the body. This gentle massage with essential oils helps to reduce the lactic acid build up and increase immunity, thus leading to a holistic improvement in health. The gentle massage also helps in calming the mind, and providing a restful environment for healing.

Move on then to the royal bath in a rose strewn pool with green tea aroma oil essence, while you enjoy a refreshing cup of jasmine tea.

An extensive and intensive detoxification treatment lasting for almost 5 hours helps balance the yin and yang, and readies you to take on the tasks of the week ahead.
This detox program is part of the special monsoon initiatives of the Hotel and is open for guests and visitors. With prior appointment, they welcome guests to enjoy this program even on days other than Monday.

Please make prior appointments and enquiries at the help desk.

Cost: 4500 rupees plus taxes.


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